
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, August 20, 2009

difference between PC and Mac Apple

PC stands for Personal Computer and refers to any IBM-compatible computer that is used by an individual in his home.A PC may either be a desktop computer,a laptop or tablet machine.A computer that is IBM-compatible means that its architecture is based on the IBM microprocessor.A number of different operating systems are compatible with PCs,the most popular which is Microsoft Windows.Some other are the unix variants,such as Linux,FreeBSD and Solaris.
Mac is short for Macintosh and refers to any computer produced by Apple Computer.Macs are traditionally classified separately from PCs because they are based on the PowerPC architecture from Apple/IBM/Motorola instead of the traditional Intel based microprocessors that have powered PCs for decades.Mac is running a version of the Mac operating system.The differences between PCS and Macs range from the physical computer itself(the mouse and keyboard) to the way programs are run and files are organized.

One major difference between PCs and Macs is that Macs have only one mouse button(instead of two on PCs).We can still "right click" using a Mac,but we must hold down the 'ctrl' button on the keyboard before clicking with the mouse button.
Additionally,Macs have an Apple/Command key,which is used for keyboard shortcuts,such as copy and paste or opening a new Internet browser window.Even though a Mac keyboard has a control key,it's used in different ways.The Apple/Command key is basically the equivalent of a Control key on a PC keyboard

A major difference between PCs and Macs is that a Mac does not have a 'Start' menu or button.In order to locate a file or open a program,the user opens the :Finder" window by clicking the blue face icon at the bottom of desktop or the disk drive(usually named Macintosh HD),located on the desktop.

Instead of a bar running along the bottom of the screen with all open windows and programs like a PC,a Mac has a Dock.This allow icons for different programs and files to be drug from their prospective folder to allow a shortcut to open them faster.

When use Windows,in order to close program,a user simply clicks the red X at the corner of the program window.However,for Macs,this is not the case.When the red X on a Mac program box is clicked,that window closes but the program does not.It is still open and running,even though there are no documents or windows open.In order to close a program completely,a user must click on the program name on the top status window(it must be active to do this) and then click Quit or use the shortcut Apple+Q.

RISC:Reduced Instruction Set Computers
CISC:Complex Instruction Set Computers


*It reduces the flexibility but increased the simplicity of the processor
*Instruction size is fixed
*Complexity in processor design
*Limited no. of instruction
*more degree of pipelining
*Uses hard wired control unit which is implemented using hardware is so rigid also debugging such a circuit is difficult,however since there is no software it is faster

*Memory Based instruction
*Advanced addressing modes
*lesser degree of pipelining
*Large no. of instruction
*Microprogrammed control unit which is more flexible as compared to the hardwired control unit as changes do not require hardware to be changed and it is more software based

Mac uses Mac OS.The Mac OS can be divided into two families of operating systems:
*"Classic" Mac OS-the system which shipped with the first Macintosh in 1984 and its descendants,culminating with Mac OS 9.
*The newer Mac OS X(the "X" refers to the Roman numeral,ten).Mac OS X incorporates elements of OpenStep(thus also BSD Unix and Mach) and Mac OS 9.Its low-level BSD-based foundation,Darwin,is free software/open source software.BSD(Berkeley Software Distribution) is one of several branches of Unix operating systems.BSD was widely identified with the versions of Unix available for workstation-class systems.

PC is generally based on the CISC processor which mean it is more software oriented and more flexible and is why so many different hardware designers come up with so many different types of hardware.PC can run both Windows and Linux without hiccups(the choice is urs)

The Processor:the processor is the core chip that executes commands and handles computations.Processors go by other names,too,including microprocessor,CPU(central processing unit) and sometimes just "the chip".Both Macs and Windows PCs run Intel processors,with two critical differences:
*Macs offer only mainstream Core 2 and high-end Xeon processors,and only those running at speeds of 2.4GHz to 3.2GHz
*Windows-based PCs offer a much wider variety of processors,including:
~the same Intel chips that Apple uses,but at speeds ranging from 1.06GHz to 3.2GHz
~Intel CPUs that Apple doesn't offer,such as Pentium and Celeron chips,which cost less,netting you a lower-cost PC
~CPUs from Intel competitor AMD,which are compatible with the Intel chips but cost less,also resulting in a lower-cost PC

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


RILEK is the revolutionary way to perform all our e-government service:
They provide easy transactios electronically via various delivery channel.RILEK offer JPJ Driving Licences services,summons payments and inquiries on Kejara points,electronic utility bill payment for TNB and Telekom bills.We can go online and complete our billing payments and inquiries in instant,comfortably from anywhere.

RILEK represent reliability,simplicity,and security.RILEK is equipped with high-end multimedia facilities and system support to accomodate heavy traffic flow.It is capable of processing information at an efficient and high-speed rate.RILEK promotes a hassle-free and innovative lifestyle that is designed to eliminated queues and frustration.RILEK combines advanced technology and human proficiency to enhance our lifestyle.

RILEK envisions expanding their services to other government agencies soon.In the near future,we will be able to utilize the Government Multi Purpose Card(GMPC) and ATM cards to complete our payment transactions


MyEG Service Berhad is a concessionaire for the Malaysian E-Government MSC Flagship Application.Their role is as a Service Provider for the E-Service component essentially provides the electronic link between the Government and citizens/bussinesses.Through their portal,they offer Malaysian public a single point of contact between the Government and the people it serves.This portal enables Malaysians to dynamically interact with numerous agencies within the Federal,State and the Local Government machineryproviding services ranging from information searches to licence application.MyEG has set up E-Service Centres located throughout the country to complement their online presence.
There are few other services currently being offered at MyEG website..:
PDRM~traffic summons checking and payment services
JPJ~JPJ summons checking and payment services & JPJ online road tax renewal
JIM~bankruptcy and liquidation status enquiries
DBKL~assessment and compound checking
CDL RENEWAL~license slip renewal service