
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

gadis flora.

hey peeps.
aku tgk dh rmai kwn2 aku upload pic dorg ms g bengkel fotografi ri 2..
yaaaaa...aku agak lmbt nak upload.

so,pd 18.3.11,aku n dak2 class fotografi g 1 bengkel anjuran perkom.
ktorg kne amik gambar flora+fauna or potrait.
tp biase aa kan..
bl dah tngkp pic ni akan mnyimpang punya..hehe
but still aku tngkp gak pic yg dorg mntk even last2 x guna pn pic 2..emm
tp x pe aa, bley mahirkan lagi aku gne kamera ni kannnn..
yeaa,pic yg aku tngkp x cntik,tp aku ttp nak msk kan dlm ni gak.hehe..(mcm bese aa kan..)

few pic to share..

Monday, March 21, 2011


wat aa idea sniri kat blog.
ape x de idea sniri ke?
klau x de,x yah aa update blog.
trase?nasib aa. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

hikayat MURUNG mahawangsa.

hello peeps.
aku ngan kwn2 aku fauzimon cikgu saya ziela lebah. pikamon pjamon bsemangat nak g nonton hikayat merong mahawangsa.
dah siap2,ktorg nunggu bas kul 2.30 cam 2..tunggu punya tunggu bas x smpai2 g.

cemas aa sbb wayang start kul 4..akhirnya dalam kul 3.20 bas smpai..
ktorg bajet sempat aa nak nonton sebab nak g jitra 2 dlm stengah jam je..
x tau aa plak bas 2 pusing g dpp lain dulu..aaaa...mmg lmbt aa..kul 3.40 baru gerak kuar drpd uum.
ms 2 merong mahawangsa dah x de dalam kepala dah..sbb tau memang conpom x dpt tgk punya.

x dpt tgk movie,jd tgk poster je aa..

*since x dpt tgk,ktorg tukar namenye jd "hikayat MURUNG mahawangsa"

akhirnye ktorg smpai jitra kul 4.30..sejam lbey 2 dr uum.giler lambat.
smpai sn,x tau nak wat pe aa..bajet kuar ni nak g tgk merong je..
pas 2 ktorg tgk byk sgt poster2 movie kat c 2.
menggila aa kejap ngan cam,tngkp2 pic.(mcm bese aa kan.haha)
2 in 1 aa..sp2 yg tgk blog aku,bley aa tau cte ape yg ade kat panggung nanti..
yg pasti sgt byk movie baru n aku sgt2 tertarik nak tgk cte 'kongsi'..sbb utamanye ade sam.hehe..

ckit pic ms kat sn..

pas posing x ingat kat c 2, last2 aku,fauzi,pja n ziebah masuk karoke..pika n cikgu g jejalan.
aku ngan muka x malu n x sedar diri sore x sedap nyanyi ri 2.
tp siyes,sore fauzimon sedap..(fauzi,jgn kembang ok.haha)
tp mmg karoke kat jitra sgt x best n x update.
byk lagu lame je..(aku nak g karoke kat cmart changlun..rmai org kate best.)

pas hilangkan sore yg x sberapa ni kat sn,ktorg g mkn kat kfc.
xcited sbb dh lm x mkn burger fav aku,zinger burger+cheesy wedges.sedapppppp!(ok,terover ckit)


then,ktorg tanpa rs malu menggila jap dlm kfc 2.hehe..

*even x dpt tgk hikayat murung mahawangsa, aku ttp rs enjoy kuar ngan korg..sygggg korang.!!*

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

im not the prettiest.

kdg2 aku x phm ngan sikap sesetengah gurl.
ye,aku pun gurl,tp x smestinye aku akan phm sme prangai gurl,kannn..

kisah psl gurl yg dah tau diri die cantik tp still nak org puji die cantik.motif??
dorg dah tau dorg cantik (tipu aa klau x sedar yg dr dorg 2 mmg cantik kan) tp ade je kuar ayat "aku x cantik" "aaaa..aku dh gumuk" "tembamnye pp aku" (padahal dorg ni cantik + kurus je..) dgr gurl yg dah cukup cantik + kurus ckp camtu,aku nyampah nak muntah hijau depan dorg..(tibe2 kan..haha)
x tau ape motif dorg ckp cam 2.. yg aku bley pk ialah dorg nak sme org puji dorg,klau bley tiap2 ari,stiap masa, x kira di mana die brada..
aku rs msti die bajet bl die ckp camtu kwn2 die akan ckp "mn ade..ko cantik aa..comey sgt" huhh.
maknenye die mmg nak org puji die cantik aa 2.konon2 aa wat2 diri x cantik sbb nak dgr org puji die...caitttttttt.
siyes,klau aku dgr ayat2 cenggini drpd mulut2 gurl yg cantik,aku akan pandang paise je kat org 2.sambil wat muka (sp yg rpt ngan aku tau aa aku wat muka camne) x ksh aa aku knl die or x (ok,aku jahat. tp bkn ke klau ko tau dr ko cantik ko ptt x yah mharap org nak puji ko stiap masa..kannn)
kdg2 terpikir dorg x bsyukur ke ngan ape yg dah dikurniakan kat dorg..
dah cantik but still wat2 cam dorg x cantik.
kang betul2 jd buruk + gumuk baru tau..nak sgt kan.
jd bsyukur aa ngan ape yg ade.yg dah dkurniakan.x perlu nak wat2 diri x cantik ok..(nsht tuk dr sniri gak wlaupun aku x cantik..hehe)

emm..klau dlm family aku,aku aa yg plg x cantik.huhu..
x de aa akak2 aku ckp dorg cantik n ngaku dorg cantik...bkn 2..cme bl aku tgk akak2 aku,aku rs cam..haihhhhh...
cantik aa dorg,tp aku x..(bkn nak bangga2 kan akak aku tp ini yg aku rs)
tp nak wat cmne nak.kne time je aa wlaupn rs cam dr ni bbeza drpd dorg..emm..

*pic aku n akak2 aku..betul kan ape aku ckp kat atas ni..

"x pe klau kt x cantik n x ensem asalkan hati baik"

Friday, March 11, 2011

aku menulis bukan kerna nama

aku menulis blog bukan kerna nama.

ramli sarip-bukan kerna nama

epi ganyut day amy noor zainita!

ello peeps.
10.3.2011. ni aa tarikh bday dak amy.
punye aa ktorg plan baik2 nak knekan die n spy die x syak ape2.
tp yg mcabarnye bl nak plan je die asik duk ngan ktorg.
mcm tau2 je die ktorg nak knekan die.
nsb baik aa mastermindnye pikamon dah wat plan baik punya,jd ktorg follow je aa.
cme plan asal ktorg nak baling amy ngan air watercolour+telur x jadi.
coz aku rs cian plak nak baling telur kat die..jd korg baling tepung je aa.

yg penatnye smlm...menunggu..
dak amy ni ade meeting plak..
aku yg dh pkai baju tdo bintang2 aku ngan pikamon dh menunggu dr pkul 9 lbey lagik.
smpai cair aa coklat yg ade kat kek 2.
dalam kul 11 lbey br die dtg..
aku get ready ngan cam, bl dak amy duduk je sambil betul2 kan rambut die, emot dtg drpd blakang terus bg tepung 1 plastik kat die.haha
mmg lebih cantik drpd biase aa rambut ko mlm 2 amy.haha..


aku sygggg korang!!!

uum CAS day, we r FAMILY. =)

hello peeps..
as u guys know, (if u know aa..hehe) pd 8.3.11,ari selase ade Cas day uum..
so dak2 yg cosnye under as kne g aa event ni ri tu...(tp rsnye cam de je cos2 yg x dtg)
so,ktorg dak2 Permedia, join aa event ni.
awal2 pg ktorg dtg join perbarisan n senamrobik bagai (wlaupun lmbt smpai ckit)  pastu belah petang plak de yg join sukaneka.

the best part is, even x jadi juara, ktorg jd naib juara tuk acara "world traditional game" ngan "4 in 1 relay competition". tuk explorace plak ktorg dpt no 3. good job aa korg..
tp yg penting kat cn smgt 2 ade nak join event ni demi Permedia.x ksh aa menang or x kan..lec ktorg pun ngan sportingnye join explorace ri tu..steady aa puan.
tahniah gak tuk dak2 junior ktorg yg sanggup dtg n join sukaneka ri 2.mmg hebat aa korg..(mcm puji lbey2 plak whatever..cos aku kot.hehe..)

as usual, few pics tuk cas day ri tu.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

confession of a friend

"i couldn't say to u what i felt 
and i had to keep this confession for me"

yeaa.. this is what i felt.. liking someone but i didn't have the courage to tell him that i like him. maybe the best way for us is to stay as a friend.. hurmm.. maybe i should just follow the flow and hoping for some miracle. who knows maybe one day he will have the same feeling like i have.. ^__^

"but now im going to confess it to you, 

dangggg... i'll not confess it. not today, not tomorrow, or maybe will not confess it forever. i'll keep this feeling, secretly admire him and will not let him know that i like him. or maybe i should confess it? err..maybe not..

those words (in purple) are lyrics from a song which is Confession Of a Friend from 2AM. first time i heard this song i felt in love with it and just love it. it sound sweet, sad and easy listening to. their voice are nice to hear too.. 

it is kinda funny how we can love something that we didn't understand (i mean before i found eng sub for this song) and how music an make us crazy bout something. (in my case, crazy bout k-pop 4 sure..hehe). 

since i'd talk bout this song, i'll share the song that make me blown away every time i hear it..(yeaaa..i'm kinda over when it comes to something that i like but whatever)

confession of a friend - 2AM (i think this group is kinda cool even they didn't dance a lot like the other k-pop group, but hey, the important thing is if their voice are great and their song are nice, dancing isn't important anymore, right?)

lil bit info bout them...

Monday, March 7, 2011

lelaki baju pink dan choki-choki

lelaki pkai baju pink.
mesti rmai laki yg cam "err..ewww...aku x kan pkai baju wrna pink." n "nanti org kate aku ni lembut plak"
tp bg aku sweet ape klau pkai baju wrna pink..
nmpk cam ciri2 laki yg romantik + sweet je..(luaran je aa kan..dalamannye x tau aa..tah2 garang je..huhu)
jrg aa nak nmpk laki pkai baju wrna pink..mgkn yg brani je akan pkai kan.

ckp psl laki yg pkai baju pink, aku dh janji ngan kwn aku nak upload pic die pkai baju pink dlm blog ni, (so fauzi..noni dh tunaikan janji ni..even lmbt ckit kan..hehe) 
kisahnye g ni,  ri 2 pas abis je forum ngan artis2 ini kwn aku fauzi, tuan punya blog kadiakupunyastyle posing ala2 model (model ke fauzi??..hehe)  kat bus stop dkg 5 tu ngan choki2 die..comey fauzi..hehe
die pinjam jaket pink dak pikamon..sporting aa fauzi..good2
dapat aje mood model model die 2,tanpa rasa malu n ragu2 trus die bg posing maut..hehe..fauzi2..


*fauzi..pasni kne blanje noni choki2 ok...^__^


ello ello peeps. Assalamualaikum.. =)
mcm yg korg tau smlm blangsungnya Festival Filem dan Video Pelajar Malaysia ke-8
aku x nak ckp dr segi pengurusan majlis nye yg agak tettttt tp dr segi persembahan mmg SUPERB aa.
kredit to dak2 PBS.mmg mantop psembahan dorg mlm 2
plg aku ske gabungan dua dak laki yg nyanyi lagu isabella.siyes mmg best n power sore dorg.
best part is aku dpt salam ngan julia ziegler n iqram..huhu.. ^.*

tema mlm 2 glamour..
mmg rmai aa dak2 yg pkai baju glamour2.
aku pkai baju bese je aa mlm 2..x de baju yg glamour kot..
artis2 pnye baju x yah ckp aa..4 sure aa cantik2 n smart kan.
antara artis yg dtg mlm 2 iqram,adi putra,julia ziegler,sharnaaz,shahir,tan sri jins,mustafa maarof n plakon2 filem ratu..(x bp knal dorg pun)
tp 2 aa..tarian dorg aku x bp ske mlm tarian mlm ptama je.aku rs x sesuai aa tarian dorg 2 utk event 2..dh aa byk org2 penting depan dorg kan..(sorry kutuk)

even x dpt tangkap gmbr ngan artis2 tu x pe aa..(wlaupun sdey ckit.huhu)
tp x pe aa..dpt tgk pn jd aa.

so few pic tuk event semalam......

Saturday, March 5, 2011

what are words.

hello peeps..
still ingat psl chris medina?aku pnh wat entry psl dia dan dia 2
even die x msk american idol,tp die dh ade single skang.
good for him..rezeki msh ade wlaupn x msk american idol 2.
lagu ni best.wlaupun skali dgr aku trus ske..hehe..
ayat ms temuramah die dulu pun ade diwat lirik.
"Cuz what kind of guy would I be If I was to leave when you need me most"
emm..sgt btuah tunangnye..jumpa laki yg setia n baik macam die ni.


chris medina- what are words


Anywhere you are, I am near
Anywhere you go, I’ll be there
Anytime you whisper my name, you’ll see
How every single promise I keep
Cuz what kind of guy would I be
If I was to leave when you need me most
What are words
If you really don’t mean them
When you say them
What are words
If they’re only for good times
Then they don’t
When it’s love
Yeah, you say them out loud
Those words, They never go away
They live on, even when we’re gone
And I know an angel was sent just for me
And I know I’m meant to be where I am
And I’m gonna be
Standing right beside her tonight
And I’m gonna be by your side
I would never leave when she needs me most
What are words
If you really don’t mean them
When you say them
What are words
If they’re only for good times
Then they don’t
When it’s love
Yeah, you say them out loud
Those words, They never go away
They live on, even when we’re gone
Anywhere you are, I am near
Anywhere you go, I’ll be there
And I’m gonna be here forever more
Every single promise I keep
Cuz what kind of guy would I be
If I was to leave when you need me most
I’m forever keeping my angel close

with them. =))

hiya peeps. Assalamualaikum.
as u guys know, uum jadik tuan umah utk Festival Filem dan Video Pelajar ke-8.
so,ktorg,dak2 tek. media mmg kne aa g sn aa.
event ni rsnye sme student bley g..
tp 2 aa,x rmai aa dak2 cos lain yg dtg event ni.
maybe dorg x tau kot psl event ni..emm..tah aa

smlm ade forum ngan beberape org artis.
siyez,Pak Aziz Sattar mmg kelakar..asik gelak je aku kat sn even sakit tekak.
mmg mnarik ape yg die ckp td,psl arwah P.Ramlee..
x puas rasenye dgr cte psl beliau.sgt mnarik.

rini plak ade preview2 filem2 n hasil2 karya dak2 u sme.
2 slot.pagi n petang.
tp yg x bestnye dak2 yg btanding pun x datang td..g shopping ke ape dorg sme 2.
nmpk aa byk krusi yg kosong kat sn..
x patut aa kan..tyg video dorg gak..
tp pe pun video2 dorg ade yg best n ade yg biase2 je..
overall..emm..bley thn aa video2 yg msk btanding taun ni.
arap2 uum ade aa bawak pulang adiah esok mlm.

few pics tuk event smlm..

*esok plak de majlis anugerah.still pk nak pkai baju ape.dh aa tema glamour..haihhh.
any suggestion?